Skin Controls

Skin Controls

A "skin.xml" file contains a list of controls, which defines the specific behavior of each graphical user interface element that is displayed on the HMI's display screen. There are currently two types of controls available in SIK: Labels and Picture Boxes.

Control - Label

Labels are how text is displayed within SIK. They are highlighted in a yellow mesh.

The following is a list of all available properties users may adjust within a Label.

  • Type - Denotes the type of control

  • ID - Defines a specific, non-duplicated, name to this type of control

  • Bounds - Denotes the location and size of the control

  • Fontclass - Sets the label's font type class that will be used by the label

  • Text - Text that will appear in the label if it is not left blank

  • Animation - There are currently 2 types of animations available and they are described below:

    • None → A static text will appear as defined in the "Text" property

    • TellTale → The label will react to the value set in the "ttonval" property

  • Decimals - Defines the number of decimal places to display for the data

  • Signal - CAN signal that will be displayed by the label

  • Digitalin - Digital input that will be used by the label

Control - Picture Box

Picture boxes are how images are shown within SIK. They are highlighted in a green mesh.

The following is a list of all available properties users may adjust within a Picture Box.

  • Type - Denotes the type of control

  • ID - Defines a specific, non-duplicated, name to this type of control

  • Bounds - Denotes the location and size of a control

  • Image - The default image to show in the picture box

  • Signal - CAN signal that will be used by the picture box and respond to the image it is assigned

  • Digitalin - Digital input that will be used by the picture box and respond to the image it is assigned

  • Resolution - The selection for an image's animation resolution. The picture box will automatically slice an image based on the options selected: Good = 10, Better = 20, Best = 50, Excellent = 100.

  • Animation - The type of animation to use in a picture box. There are currently 12 animations and they are described below:

  • 1. Static → Only a still image will appear.

  • 2. Arch Start Left To Top - The picture box will animate the image for a catenary arch if the curve points up and starts from the left position.


  • 3. Arch Start Right To Top - The picture box will animate the image for a catenary arch if the curve points up and starts from the right position.


  • 4. Arch Start Left To Bottom - The picture box will animate the image for a catenary arch if the curve points down and starts from the left position.


  • 5. Arch Start Right To Bottom - The picture box will animate the image for a catenary arch if the curve points down and starts from the right position.


  • 6. Image Rotation → The picture box will animate the rotation of an image in 1-degree increments up to 360 degrees.

  • 7. Bar Bottom To Top → The picture box will animate the image on the Y-axis from the bottom to the top.

  • 8. Bar Top To Bottom → The picture box will animate the image on the Y-axis from the top to the bottom.


  • 9. Bar Left To Right → The picture box will animate the image on the X-axis from left to right.

  • 10. Bar Right To Left → The picture box will animate the image on the X-axis from right to left.

  • 11. Limits → The picture box will react to the "minlimit" and "maxlimit" attributes and display the images accordingly in both the "maximage" and the "minimage” properties. The default image will appear if the min and max limits are not reached.

    • Max Image - Displays this image in the picture box if the max limit is reached and the Animation == "Limits"

    • Min Image - Displays this image in the picture box if the min limit is reached and the Animation == "Limits"

    • Max Limit - The maximum set limit to display the image in the "imagemax" property

    • Min Limit - The minimum set limit to display the image in the "imagemin" property

  • 12. Tell-Tale → The picture box will react to the value set in the "ttonval" property.

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