Studio Interface Kit (SIK) is a software design platform for Andromeda's HMI display products. SIK offers engineers and designers the ability to create or manipulate existing skin graphics to program onto Andromeda's HMI displays.
The following table of contents will help to navigate to each of SIK's instructional pages.
Click on the image below or LINK to download the latest version:
Studio interface Kit is comprised of 6 main sections and windows.
Images Window
All images that are declared within a skin's graphic are listed in this window. You can add images into your skin graphic from the "Skin" toolbar menu
Fonts Window
All available fonts that are declared are listed in this window. Manipulating font sizes and colors are acceptable through global fonts declared in the skin's graphic. Font types are limited and dependent on supported font types on the HMI display.
Toolbox Windows
All skin controls (e.g., Labels and Picture Boxes) that are available to use within SIK are listed in this window. You can drag and drop any skin control directly onto a skin's graphic.
View Windows
When any screen is selected, it is shown in this window. If there are multiple screens opened they will show up as tabs with their name type as the header.
Solutions Explorer Window
A breakdown of all the controls contained within a skin graphic are presented here.
Properties Window
The properties of any individual control label or picture box are presented here when selected.